We’re pleased to release Bminer 15.8.2 before Beam hardfork.
Bminer 15.8.2 provides:
* Fix the regression on the BeamHashII fails to start on GTX 2060.
Bminer 15.8.1 provides:
* Support for the BeamHashII algorithm.
Please see https://www.bminer.me/releases/ for more details.
Happy mining.
Command-line example on windows operating system:
@echo OFF
REM Change the following address to your BEAM addr.
SET ADDRESS=3a13205ec464807c9400f0fde8d56ac49da03bb3812055f08844fe2eaf0b9166
SET POOL=beam.sparkpool.com:2222
SET SCHEME=beamhash2+ssl
START “Bminer: When Crypto-mining Made Fast” bminer.exe -uri %SCHEME%://%USERNAME%@%POOL% -api