What’s new?
- Support a dual mining mode for Ethereum (ETH, Ethash) and Decred (DCR, blake14r) / Verge (XVG, blake2s) without affecting Ethereum mining performance.
- Automatically tune mining performance in dual mining mode.
- Support dual mining mode in launcher and dashboard GUI.
- Add scripts to download third party software OhGodAnETHlargementPill to improve Ethereum mining performance on GTX 1080/1080Ti.
- Introduce new REST APIs to display stratum/solver/device status.
Download please see: https://www.bminer.me/releases/
How’s performance?
- Equihash mining on stock settings:
735–745 Sol/s on GTX 1080Ti
450–460 Sol/s on GTX 1070
315–325 Sol/s on GTX 1060
- Ethash mining on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W):
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 46.7 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill: 32.2 MH/s
- Dual mining using automatic tuning (default) on GTX 1080Ti stock settings (power: 250 W):
With OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
- ETH 46 MH/s and DCR 1000 MH/s
- ETH 46 MH/s and XVG 1770 MH/s
Without OhGodAnETHlargementPill:
- ETH 32 MH/s and DCR 2200 MH/s
- ETH 32 MH/s and XVG 3750 MH/s
What’s the devfee:
- Bminer supports mining Equihash-based coins (e.g., Zcash) with 2% of devfee.
- Bminer supports mining Ethash-based coins (e.g., Ethereum) with 0.65% of devfee.
- Bminer also supports dual mining mode — mining Ethash-based coins (e.g. Ethereum) and Blake14r-based coins (e.g. Decred) / Blake2s-based coins (e.g. Verge) at the same time. Devfee for the dual mining mode is 1.3%, and the second coin (e.g. Decred/Verge) is mined without devfee.
Dual mining for Ethereum (ETH) and Decred (DCR) / Verge (XVG)
The following section describes a few sample usages of dual mining mode. For example, within dual mining mode, Bminer can mine ETH&DCR or ETH&XVG at the same time without affecting ETH mining speed. In general, Bminer can support dual mining on other Ethash-based coins with Blake14r-based coins and Blake2s-based coins as well.There are a few things that need to be customized for your own usages:
- Substitute 0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f with your own ETH address.
- Substitute DsZt1npFipRNuUyM9nLY46oRTya3J2ETE88 with your own DCR address.
- Substitute DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi with your own XVG address.
- Substitute foo with your username.
- Substitute worker with your worker name.
- Substitute pwd with your password.
Bminer supports mining Blake14r-based coins as a secondary coin, such as Decred (DCR), over different pooss. Here are a few examples:
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake14r://foo.worker:pwd@stratum.decredpool.org:3343
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake14r://DsZt1npFipRNuUyM9nLY46oRTya3J2ETE88.worker:pwd@dcr.coinmine.pl:2222
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake14r://foo.worker:pwd@dcr.suprnova.cc:3252
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake14r://foo.worker:pwd@dcr.pool.mn:4801
Bminer supports mining Blake2s-based coins as a secondary coin, such as Verge (XVG), over different pools.
Here are a few examples:
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@xvg.blake2s.com:8888
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@xvg.antminepool.com:9008
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@mine.luckypool.xyz:5766
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@mine.nlpool.nl:5766
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@blake2s.mine.zpool.ca:5766
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@xvg2.coinfoundry.org:3165
By default, Bminer automatically tunes the dual mining mode to get the best performance. Sometimes, you may want to adjust the performance manually. One option is to use the -dual-intensity argument.
Here is one example:
bminer -uri ethash://0xb76d43eAaB2e905028a7f0F3aF13C7A84c477B9f.woker@eth-us-west1.nanopool.org:9999 -uri2 blake2s://DDXKDhq73GRM3hjh6uee57fJ3LS2ctNtyi.worker:pwd@xvg.blake2s.com:8888 -dual-intensity 70
More information: please see https://www.bminer.me/examples/
Please let us know what you think of it.